• Pandora Jewelry Stores in Saint Kitts and Nevis

    The Saint Kitts and Nevis is a federation that is present in Leeward Islands. It is a very small country consisting of 2 islands. In this area there are only 2 authorized Pandora jewelry retailers from where you can buy genuine Pandora jewelry charms and other accessories. Please note that you should not buy from any other retailer as you may get fake jewelry at the cost of original Pandora jewelry.

    Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis

    Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis Flag

    Authorized Pandora Store#1 in Saint Kitts and Nevis:

    The first authorized stores in this area is known as “International Concepts“. The complete address of this store is “Port Zante B9 Bassaterre, St. Kits and Nevis, NA“. Their current phone number is “869-466-58-53“. It is a shop-in-shop store and have most of the latest Pandora jewelry charms, beads, bracelets and other jewelry items.

    Authorized Pandora Jewelry Retailer#2 in Saint Kitts and Nevis:

    The name and address details of second licensed Pandora retailer in the area are as follows:


    Complete Address: 15/103 Port Dante  Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis, NA

    Phone Number: 869-466-7115

    Shop Type: Shop-in-Shop Pandora Store

    If you want to find more store locations in other countries please visit Pandora Store Locator section.

    Amazon Pandora Deals - Up to 70% Off on Pandora Essence Charms:

    Amazon Deals on Pandora Essence Charms

    Categories: Pandora Jewelry Stores

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    2 thoughts on “Pandora Jewelry Stores in Saint Kitts and Nevis

    • Karen Rodriguez says:

      Saludos compré la oferta de la pulcera pandora de Navidad en la isla de San Kitts y se ha dañado un espaciador. Necesito me envie mo recibo de compra porque lo he perdido en el viaje. Es esto posible? La fecha de compra fue 8 de dic. de 2016.
      Me podrían ayudar.

      Regards I bought the offer of the Christmas pandora pulp on the island of St. Kitts and a spacer has been damaged. I need to send me a purchase receipt because I lost it on the trip. Is this possible? Purchase date was Dec 8. 2016.
      Could you help me.

      • Admin says:

        Hi Karen,
        In order to claim warranty and other benefits you must have your purchase receipt. If you have lost the receipt, then you can contact the store over phone or visit them. They may issue you another slip based on their records. Please note that you can only ask for warranty from the store from where you originally bought the jewelry.
        It looks that you have your jewelry is damaged and you need repair. You can get repair from any authorized store by paying some fee (even if u don’t have a receipt).
        Hope it answers your question.

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